
The 31 Day House Cleaning Routine

Feb 27, 2013
Cleaning can be such a chore! Excuse the pun, but it's true that keeping a clean house can be an overwhelming experience -- especially when you're used to living in a smaller place like an apartment. 

My husband and I usually try to deep clean our house once a week, but after reading (and pinning) this article on Apartment Therapy called, 'How to Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days,'  I was inspired to try this method. Basically how it works is that instead of doing everything in one day, you follow a schedule where in addition to your typical household chores like doing the dishes, you do a 20-minute (the use of a timer is encouraged) cleaning task per day. The schedule has a list of rotating cleaning tasks to do and by the end of 30 days, you start over on day 1 and by doing this, your house should be nice and clean. 

Since I enjoy making printables, I decided to come up with my own version of the schedule and here's what it ended up looking like:

Click Here to Download This Free Printable!

  • Instead of the 30 day schedule, I named it the, "31 Day House Cleaning Routine," so the list can be used for months that have up to 31 days.
  • On the left of the page are the 31 days and next to that I can write the first letter of the corresponding day of the week. For example, since March 1st is on a Friday, I would just write in the letter F, right next to the number 1. 
  • For the cleaning tasks themselves, I pretty much followed what was on the schedule in the Apartment Therapy article, with just a few minor tweaks.
  • Since my husband and I share some of the cleaning tasks, I added a 'Who' column so we could write the name of the person who would be doing each particular task. 
  • Finally, on the far right of the page are checkboxes for checking off all the tasks that have been completed.

My husband and I are going to start the 31 Day Clean Routine this coming March! I don't think we'll be timing ourselves though. 

If you'd like to try this method of cleaning for yourself, you can download it for free by clicking the link under the photo of the printable. I'd love to know how it works out for you in the comments below.

** If the free version of this printable doesn't fit your needs, I also have a blank, editable version of this printable in my Etsy shop.

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  1. Ooohhh...what a great idea! I love this! Thanks for sharing - I definitely plan to use this to help my home get in ship-shape!!! {found you via YHL!} :)

  2. I really love the style of this printable. Pretty things get me motivated, off to download!

    1. P.S. I also followed the Pinterest Challenge, you can find my project (a $5 Drum Shade) here:

    2. Thanks, T.D.! Off to check out your blog...

  3. What's the difference between cleaning the bathroom...and surface cleaning the bathroom?


    1. Hi! For me surface cleaning would just be dusting and wiping bathroom surfaces, tidy up any items on the sink countertop, and maybe pick up hairs off the floor.

      Deep cleaning would be scrubbing the shower, toilet bowl, mirrors, and basically a full cleaning. Hope that helps!

  4. With a three-story house and 30 acres, I definitely need a plan of attack. Thanks!

    1. You're welcome...hope it works out for you! :)

    2. I agree...I'm in the same boat! 3 stories, acreage, horses, dogs, cats, fish, kids ...Mama needs a plan! lol

    3. I lived that life for the last 40 years! LOL! My advice? Print this and use it in your secret little getaway apartment! The other "house/farm" will never be snip-snap! Don't wear yourself out trying to keep it that way!!! LOL!!!

  5. Surface cleaning I think is just wiping everything down and cleaning the bathroom is Deep cleaning it top to bottom

  6. when is laundry day

    1. It's just for cleaning the house, laundry can be whenever you like. If it helps, you can see how I set up a laundry routine here:

  7. i love this - but i need more. like - how to do stuff too
    what does "deep clean" mean...

    1. Thanks Andrea! Hmm...I confess I'm no cleaning expert, but if you would like to follow along with this challenge it may help:

      As for me, deep cleaning just means a thorough cleaning of a space which for a bathroom for example, includes scrubbing showers, toilet bowls, mopping floors, etc. This is opposed to surface cleaning which for me would just be dusting, wiping counters and tidying up a space.

  8. How do I pin this?? :) thanks!

    1. Hi! There's a Pin It button under the blog post. You can just click it and that should work. Thank you! :)

  9. Coming to you from Money Saving Mom. I love the printable, but is deep cleaning all the bathrooms in 20 minutes really realistic? Are you and your husband both cleaning them at the same time? Same for cleaning your closet. Not trying to be picky but I tend to overcommit to chore lists and then get super burned out. To me deep cleaning is like a 45 minute - 1 hour process per room, if I want it to actually be done right. And closets take me hours and hours! I guess I'm wondering what your secret is.

    1. Hi Erin! Thanks for your comment. The original article on Apartment Therapy encouraged the use of 20-minute timer for each task, but I knew that wasn't realistic for us, so I mentioned in the bullet points below the printable that we probably wouldn't be using the timer method. Too much pressure! lol...hope that helps!

    2. Under the bullet points, I meant! :)

    3. Ah, okay. Thanks for explaining, I missed that part. Like I said a key for me with cleaning is to keep things attainable, so deep cleaning bathrooms on a weeknight just isn't really in the cards on top of working all day, cooking dinner and cleaning up. But if it is for you then more power to you :)

  10. Do you have a decluttering plan? It would be easier to follow the 31 day cleaning routine then. :)

    1. Hmmm...not at the moment, but that's a good idea for a possible future post...;)

    2. Check out! Great website!

  11. I love it. With a baby on the way, this will help get DH and I organized so he can see what needs to be done so we can divide more of the household cleaning.

  12. Would you include cleaning your oven on the day that you deep-clean your kitchen? Also, what about things like washing curtains, bedding, flipping mattresses, etc? Would you just include those things in the deep-cleaning of that specific room? Also, I noticed that mopping is never mentioned. Would you do that on the deep-cleaning days also? I think this is a terrific idea. I am always so overwhelmed in the spring not knowing where to start with my spring-cleaning. Having a list will certainly help. I do plan on following this, although I will probably not do it in the order it is posted because of other commitments. Just having a general plan helps a lot.

    1. For me, oven cleaning (inside), washing curtains, flipping mattresses, etc would be something to do less often, say once a month or more. Mopping is a part of our deep cleaning tasks, and laundry of bedding happens once a week or every other week in our home. I find that when feeling overwhelmed with household stuff, listing down everything you'd like to do, then just starting with one thing gets me motivated. Hope this list helps if you do try it! :)

  13. I like to start a load of laundry (or dishes in the dishwasher) before I start cleaning. Then when you're done (it usually take me longer than 20 minutes to complete these), the washer will be done and I can switch it out to dryer. Another go round and it's done in the dryer and ready to be folded.

  14. This is a big help for home owners out there including those at Atlanta GA . If they want to clean their home, but can't find a way to start then printables like yours is the best way to go.

  15. Great tips and check-list.

    I would love for you to link up this - and any other spring cleaning posts - at the Empty Your Archive link party. We have a special focus this week on spring cleaning, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

  16. Just popping over to let you know I've featured you at this week's Empty Your Archive party, Alice x

    1. Thanks so much, Alice! I really appreciate the feature. :)

  17. The effective Cleaning Routine. We should obey this strictly hanging on our wall. Thanks a lot for posting this.

  18. Hello from IHeart Organizing's link up! Please follow back if you have the chance. Have a great day. :)


  19. Thank you SO much Monica! I printed this and posted it on a clipboard in my master bathroom. In that way, I can clearly see which task I'm scheduled to do each day. I've been using this for the past month and keeping the house clean is so much easier now with this schedule. Today, the task was 'Cleaning out the closets'. I can only clean out one closet each time its scheduled so far since they had become disorganized. Last month, I cleaned and re-organized the master bedroom closet (took hours) and today I did the same for the guest bedroom closet. Next month, I'll tackle the office closet. After that, it should be much easier to keep things in place. Thank you so much for creating this practical checklist, which helps me with my goal of creating a clean, neat, comfortable home.


    1. You're welcome Kim! Glad it's helping you! :)

  20. Thank you for sharing this great idea and the tips! I'm going to make the 31 Day Clean Routine next month. I hope I will be pleased with the results. :)

  21. Thank you for this printable, I am starting today! Blessings.

  22. It is good if you follow some kind of routine for cleaning the property, but if you live in a house, you may need to do a bit of more cleaning as lots of dirt comes from the outside and sometimes you can't predict how much you will need to clean next week. Certainly doing a bit of cleaning every day helps and this is a good habit.

  23. Your house cleaning routine is very good. I will try these all methods for my house hold tasks. Cleaning is very difficult for my but your tips are really informative and helpful for all readers especially for me.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. This is a great idea and the cleaning routine calendar is perfect. I will create a calendar like this.

  26. With a three-story house and 30 acres, I definitely need a plan of attack. Thanks!Welcome back!

  27. Just what I need to have a checklist for cleaning!I will also create something like these to keep me on the loop.

  28. A great tool that I will definitely be using! A good tip is to laminate it or put it in a clear page protector and use a dry erase marker to check off the duties so you can wipe it clean each month without having to print off several copies.

  29. Monica, it's a wonderful idea! I am mother of two little boys and can never find enough time to do everything. I will definitely use the tips for the cleaning the house next month.

  30. When you're organized and have the right tools at hand, home cleaning is pleasure. I think organizing is 50% of the whole process. Your schedule will help many people stop hate cleaning at home, Monica. Thanks for making your schedule free to download and print. Cheers, Emily

  31. Thanks Rosie and Emily! Hope you enjoy using the printable, if not the cleaning! ;)

  32. Hi monica!
    Can I translate this your routine in Italian and share it on my blog? (of course, specifying that it is your own original work and putting the link to your blog?)

  33. The effective Cleaning Routine. We should obey this strictly hanging on our wall. Thanks a lot for posting this.

  34. Today I started Day One. It is amazing the transformation already and how I feel, I feel so much better and I didnt realise I could get a heck of a lot done in only 15 minutes! I love the timer idea. Funny how the thoughts in my mind were more overwhelming than the actual task. Thank you so much for this - it has helped me a lot and I actually look forward to the next challenge tomorrow :)

  35. Thanks for sharing! I totally need a routine!

  36. I came across this on facebook today and plan on trying it!

  37. Cleaning never ends but there is nothing better than coming home to a clean and fresh environment

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Love your website and these tips!
    I was going crazy with laundry constantly piling up, until I built a laundry schedule and hung it over the washing machine. We now do 6 loads on three specific days, and that usually covers our needs (2 lights, 1 dark, 1 bedding, 1 towels, 1 rags, mats etc). The difference it’s made is awesome. No more overwhelming laundry drama!
    I’m pretty good with clutter, the house looks neat and uncluttered most of the time.
    My weak points are the forests-worth of papers (bills, letters, bank statements…) that I keep planning to sort and never get to, and also the floor, which is tiled and needs to be washed ALL the time. Ughhhh!!!

    1. Thank you! I agree with you -- a laundry schedule is so helpful especially if you have a large family.

      Paper clutter is never fun!

  40. I love when the cleaning is turned into some kind of game. Here is one tip from me, something that I use in my work as a professional cleaner for Muswell Hill Carpet Cleaners Ltd.Exercise is essential for productivity… So if you were trying to do all this straight after getting up without getting your heart rate up, you’re quite possibly going to spend a while fumbling about in the kitchen, going from making beds, to unpacking the dishwasher, to having a shower and you’ll have a million half finished jobs on the go in between hugs with the kids, reminding kids to do their morning jobs and just general kid and baby stuff going on!

  41. Thanks for this challenge! I never learned how to clean as a kid because dear mother was a perfectionist. Some of the most obvious things sometimes escape me. As I was reading this I kept thinking, ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ She’s right, ‘I don’t have to sort so much.’ So, thanks.

  42. Many thanks for these wonderful content that you share to us. All these 31 house cleaning routine is so useful to us because it gives an ideas if how we could obtain and do our different house cleaning with the use of these cleaning routines.
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  48. That's a fantastic idea!! I want to change the routine a little bit in order to incorporate cleaning after my pets but I'm definitely going to use such schedule!!! You revolutionized the world of cleaning !!!

  49. That's quite the cleaning checklist! I'm quite certain if I managed to actually to stick to it, my house would be spotless. Until the kids mess it up, that is.

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  51. Late to the party, but still full of appreciation for this list.

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  55. I really should include my water damage restoration dallas to avoid any flood or break from my storage. Like in every week there will probably a schedule check up for this.

  56. Cleaning the house is a long way to go and I don't want any kids around if I am going to do cleaning. I myself have schedule everyday in what area of the house would do the cleaning then there's a same day for all around routine.

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