
Kitchen Cheat Sheets

Feb 5, 2013
Lately I am loving infographics that have useful information for the home. According to Wikipedia, infographics are, "graphic visual representations of informationdata or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly."

Here are three that I really like:

Fridge and Freezer Storage Cheat Sheet

Metric Conversion Cheat Sheet

Cooking Times Cheat Sheet

Aren't they pretty? As you can tell, all this information will come in handy in the kitchen and since I'm not the best cook I could use all the help I can get! Haha. 

These infographics are from a company called Everest, and the best part is they offer free PDF versions that you can print and keep for easy reference. Pin it to a bulletin board, stick it on the refrigerator, keep it in a binder, or attach it to a clipboard that you hang up in your kitchen. If you would like, you can visit the company website to download and print now!
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